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Hemp Feed


Hemp used in livestock feed is a very significant opportunity as a source of high quality protein, energy, fibre and other nutritional benefits. 


Products from hemp seed are well suited for poultry, swine, horses, beef and dairy cattle.  Early observations indicate hemp’s unique oilseed and amino acid make-up will be an excellent match for livestock.


In Canada each product is reviewed by government regulatory bodies for proof of nutritional properties and recommended feeding rates.  Before feed claims can be made, research must qualify hemp’s nutritional properties and safety.  This work is underway in Canada and the USA.   


These products include hemp seed cake (meal), hulls, screenings and hemp seed fines.


Individual products for horses are now approved as a veterinary health product to help animal condition and performance.   Dehulled hemp seed and hemp oil are products are available for horse nutritional aids, with observed benefits and excellent palatability. 


Research in Canada and elsewhere in the world is proving hemp seed products can also be beneficial for companion animals.